Daemen College is pleased to announce the Daemen Deferred Tuition Plan for prospective students and families.


The purpose of the Daemen Deferred Tuition program is to provide prospective students and their families financial assistance to help with tuition, room, and board as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Incoming students who have experienced a sudden financial crisis, either personally or through a local, state, national, or global disaster, will qualify for a deferred tuition plan which will enable students to pay less in year one and have that money spread out in equal, zero interest payments over the duration of their college years when their finances have stabilized.

How it works

In addition to receiving all of their awarded financial, need and merit based aid, a prospective student is able to apply to defer up to $6,000 (commuters) or $12,000 (residential) of  their first year of tuition, room, and/or board at Daemen College. That deferred amount will then be spread equally over the next three years; $2,000 per year (commuters) or $4,000 (residential). 

Apply for Daemen DTP

Families will benefit from being able to enroll at Daemen and get re-adjusted from a crisis without having to stress even further about payments and bills.  Families will NOT receive a reduction in financial aid for adopting the Daemen Deferred Tuition Plan payment model.


If a commuter student’s net tuition is $16,000, their first year tuition under the Daemen Deferred Tuition Program will be $10,000. The second, third and fourth years would be their tuition, plus $2,000. ($18,000).

Important Note

If a student chooses to leave Daemen, they will be responsible for all deferred, unpaid tuition, room, and/or board. Payment will be due at the time of withdrawal and a student will not be able to receive transcripts or have them sent to another institution until the total amount is paid.

If a residential student’s net tuition, room, and board is $40,000, their first-year tuition, room and board under the Daemen Deferred Tuition Plan program will be $28,000. The second, third and fourth years would be their tuition, and room and board, plus $4,000, or $44,000.

Please note, tuition, room and board rates, and a student’s financial need, are subject to change each year.