
Thomas Reynolds Center Graduate Assistants participate in a unique and innovative program that allows graduate students to gain hands-on teaching experience working with students with special needs, stay current in the field of education, and use technology within their lessons all while completing a Masters Degree in Special Education.   Thomas Reynolds Center Graduate Assistants gain the experience, the credentials, and the confidence that employers take notice!

Graduate Applications are now being accepted.

IMPORTANT: New students enrolling in the Masters in Special Education program are eligible for a fifty (50)% discount against the full tuition rate.

Thomas Reynolds Center Graduate Assistants:

  • Graduate with a Masters Degree in Special Education: Childhood Education (1-6) in as little as 3 semesters (if course prerequisites are met)
  • Receive a partial tuition scholarship
  • Receive $11/hour working in an academic after-school program with children with special needs
  • Gain hands-on teaching experience by planning and teaching Common Core standards-based lesson plans
  • Incorporate Smartboard technology and IPADS into their daily instruction
  • Participate in scholarly research
  • Receive professional development trainings in ELA, Math, Diverse Learners, Technology,  and Behavior Management 
  • Create an online portfolio which is necessary for job interviews