Accounting Student Activities

Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) Program

Students John LeMar and Emily Levin complete a client’s tax return.

This program is sponsored by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to assist taxpayers with completing and filing their taxes. Students earned advanced tax certifications to qualify to participate in this program and subsequently met with clients to perform client intake, tax preparation and quality review. Tax returns were filed by students electronically for clients. Students filed taxes on campus for the first time in many years, using our new consulting lab.

Front, Left to right: Professor Grace Huff, faculty advisor, Sadie Davis, Kelly Duvall, Emily Levin, Ajanaee Brown, and Mark Veitengruber. 
Back, Left to right: Grant Ziomek, Alex Reid, Bob Ralyea, Todd Gregoire, Austin Gima, Ken May, John LeMar, Niko Jemmison, John Wilson, Michael Capestrani, and Bill Olkowski.

Students received certificates of completion from the Internal Revenue Service for their work in the VITA program.

Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) Program

This program is sponsored by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to assist taxpayers with completing and filing their taxes. Students earned advanced tax certifications to qualify to participate in this program and subsequently met with clients to perform client intake, tax preparation and quality review. Tax returns were filed by students electronically for clients. Students filed taxes on campus for the first time in many years, using our new consulting lab.

Hands on Experience

Students John LeMar and Emily Levin complete a client’s tax return.

Working with Taxpayers

John Wilson meets with clients to gather information that will be used to prepare the tax return.

Internal Revenue Service Experience

Students received certificates of completion from the Internal Revenue Service for their work in the VITA program.
Front, Left to right: Professor Grace Huff, faculty advisor, Sadie Davis, Kelly Duvall, Emily Levin, Ajanaee Brown, and Mark Veitengruber. 

Back, Left to right: Grant Ziomek, Alex Reid, Bob Ralyea, Todd Gregoire, Austin Gima, Ken May, John LeMar, Niko Jemmison, John Wilson, Michael Capestrani, and Bill Olkowski.