Psychology and Culture
Psychology 247- Offered Spring, 2017 with Dr. Shannon Lupien

Behavioral Modification
Psychology 316 Offered Spring 2017 with Dr. Joy Hanna
Behaviors are both overt (visible) and covert (private or internal) things that people say or do. As humans, we engage in a wide range of behaviors, from getting dressed in the morning, to moving our fingers to create a text message, worrying about getting sick, feeding a baby, taking notes in class, dancing at a club, and sleeping for eight hours. Learning and behavior modification within psychological science concern the conditions under which learning takes place, and under which behaviors can be changed.

Psychology of Mental Health
Psychology 408- Offered Spring, 2017 with Dr. Denise Emer
The Psychology of Mental Illness (sometimes referred to as "Abnormal Psychology") introduces students to the assumed causes, course, and available treatments for various forms of mental illness. In my course, I want to encourage students to view "deviant" or aberrant behaviors as nonetheless human behaviors, deserving of consideration and respect.
One of the main goals of this course is to help students to better understand illnesses which are causing suffering and discomfort (physical & psychological) in human beings, and interfering with their ability to cultivate productive and/or satisfying lives. We will focus not only on description/diagnostic symptoms of various behaviors/disorders, but also on proposed etiologies (causes) and treatments, as well as on differing theoretical conceptualizations about causes, diagnosis, and treatment. Also, throughout the course, I will continually encourage you (through readings and class discussions) to critically analyze the “scientist-practitioner” model that the clinical field currently follows.