The mission of the Office of Information Technology is to provide technology leadership, expertise and services to ensure excellent infrastructure, innovation and support for students, faculty, and staff.

- Strengthen your team
- Be Happy
- Help Others
- Keep Learning
Message from the Vice President for Information Technology and CIO
Our plan is the result of a two day facilitated retreat in June 2021 where we identified our strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Opportunities for improvement, innovation, and IT investments were aligned with the college’s mission, current strategic plan and Facilities master plan. We identified broad yet attainable goals and created internal objectives and tasks accordingly. Achieving these goals will have a genuine impact on the everyday experience for our entire campus community.
Technology changes quickly therefore our plan is a roadmap for the upcoming academic year and is considered a living document. You are encouraged to contact us at computing@daemen.edu or mkenyon@daemen.edu. We welcome your questions and comments.

The ideal future state of IT is a well funded highly trained staff utilizing project and portfolio management to improve business value, mitigate risk, and drive innovation in ways closely aligned with and tied to institutional planning.
IT Strategic Plan
collaboration, support, communication, agility, vision, teamwork
funding, project prioritization, standardizing processes, ticket use
people, modernization
cyber, staff support, resistance to change and new ideas
IT Strategic Goals
Aligned with Focus Area Three:
Goal IV C and Focus Area Four, Goal III A
Nurture a highly engaged and highly trained team who are empowered to keep IT on the cutting edge.
- Provide equal opportunities for staff development and training
- Establish formal project intake process and resource planning
- Further develop management and leadership skills to cultivate an environment where it is okay for staff to not be okay and ask for support
Aligned with Focus Area Four:
Goal II A
Improve campus facilities by upgrading deprecated systems with quality hardware and software with input from faculty, staff, and students.
- Modernize ageing infrastructure
- Assess needs of students, faculty and staff
- Follow continuous improvement principles regarding technology investments
- Provide redundant infrastructure for critical systems
Aligned with Campus Facilities Master Plan
Secure college resources through well documented policies, and a comprehensive education and compliance system. Reduce risk to the college and it’s faculty, staff and students by protecting confidentiality, integrity and availability of data.
- Educate our community on emerging security risks
- Expand upon current authentication and account security to keep up with changing threats
- Strengthen system security across the organization
Aligned with Focus Area One, Goal III A & B
and Focus Area Five, Goal III A
Establish strong cross-departmental connections and develop relationships in order to empower the campus community to use available IT resources to optimize operational excellence.
- Create a learning spaces refresh plan
- Establish formal project intake process and resource planning
- Advocate for capital projects to future proof critical systems
- Improve communication of available IT resources
Leverage effective project management to be able to quickly know IT’s capacity for a new project to further improve quality of service delivery.
- Create a formal project management process
- Standardize current processes and workflows both in and outside of IT
- Improve documentation and data to inform planning
- Use a data-informed approach to all efforts