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President's Office Seal; Golden version of Daemen University Seal

Daemen University

Faculty, and Staff

Dear Colleagues,

I hope your semester and new year have gotten off to a smooth start.

As you know, a significant number of faculty and staff have been laboring for three years on our effort to achieve reaffirmation of accreditation through The Middle States Commission on Higher Education.

The team has produced an impressively well-done self-study that captures eight years of progress at Daemen since the 2016 Middle-States site visit. I am delighted to report that Daemen's 2025 Self-Study Report is now complete and has been uploaded to the Middle States portal in advance of the accreditation team’s campus visit in March.

This comprehensive report represents the culmination of an inclusive process that began in the fall of 2022 and involved contributions of up to eighty faculty and staff. I can attest that this is a first-rate study thanks to the meticulous and thoughtful work of all of those involved.

While many should be applauded for a job well done, I would like to single out and thank the members of the Executive Committee: Irene Holohan-Moyer, Lisa Parshall, and Mimi Steadman, as well as Susan Marchione, who recently joined the group.

I would also like to recognize the members of the Self-Study Steering Committee: Diane Bessel, Laura Edsberg, Tiffany Hamilton, Shawn Kelley, Martha Kershaw, and Kevin Telford, and Evidence Inventory coordinator, Hella Jacob. Thank you all for your leadership; you made this exemplary report what it is today.

Please take some time to familiarize yourself with the report so that you will be well informed in advance of discussions with members of the accreditation team during their visit.

You can access the report here: Self Study Google Site


Gary A. Olson 











